Grebe Radio advertisement, Popular Radio, November 1922

Grebe Radio advertisement, Popular Radio, November 1922

A review of the A. H. Grebe Synchrophase receiver from QST magazine, October, 1924.

(Note: higher resolution scans of this article are at this link)

Here is a very modern, forward looking design for 1924, “Radio for Everybody”.

Grebe Radio and phonograph combination.  Radio for everybody.

Grebe Radio reception Clarifier.

(NOTE: Click on the image to reveal larger, high resolution scan.  Recently updated, larger scans of this article are on a separate page link.)

Popular Radio Article page one

A. H. Grebe WGMU Mobile Radio Station, page 2

Popular Radio article, page 3

A. H. Grebe launching his WGMU mobile short-wave radio station

We are grateful to share these high quality scans contributed by a loyal collector of Grebe Radio artifacts.

January 1924 Grebe CR-12 Advertisement

Another fine Radio Age scan from one of our contributors.

From one of our active contributors, this July 1919 Everyday Engineering advertisement for a Grebe CR-2 Short-wave Receiver.  He adds, “Only the best of the best were allowed to advertise in this magazine.  The magazine owner ranted continuously through it’s short life about slipshod radio parts and sets.”

Grebe Radio CR-2 Receiver, 1919.

Grebe Radio CR-2 Receiver, 1919.

Alfred H. Grebe was one of the young, early wireless enthusiasts who helped install and operate equipment on merchant ships back in 1912 when he was only 17. See related stories on this web site, Radio Age, Part 1, and Grebe’s colorful global shipboard diary as a wireless operator on the the British Tramp Tanker S/S Saranac, Places Visited.

Here is a photograph from that time, scanned and enhanced to improve the contrast of the faded photo print.

Alfred H. Grebe

Young Alfred H. Grebe, circa 1913

Close up, image enhancement.

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