Listening to the World Series on the radio is part of the baseball legacy. Here is a page from Grebe Radio history.
A. H. Grebe also experimented with broadcasting from cars and boats, with his mobile transmission station WGMU broadcasting horse races in 1925. Here is Alfred Grebe’s brother Rudolph in a car outfitted to transmit radio in 1919.

Alfred H. Grebe Jr. will be presenting the ALFRED H. GREBE MEMORIAL AWARD for EXCELLENCE at the Radio Club of America 96th Anniversary Annual Awards Banquet, November 18, 2005 at the New York Athletic Club.
The recipeint will be Jerry Minter, an officer and very long-time member of the club. This is only the fourth time in eleven years the award has been presented. The award is a very attractive plaque that includes a photo of Alfred H. Grebe.
Continued from Don Patterson’s Radio Age Newsletter.
After being home for a month and a half Alfred left for Pittsburg on May 29th. He relates this assignment as follows…
Left New York 29th May 8.33PM for Pittsburg. Had pretty sleepless night but felt ok in morning.
May 30
Susan met me then went up the hill through the tunnel to Susan’s house. It rained until about 4PM so we stayed in house until it stopped, then went to see Aunt Belle. Came back about 6.15 and had supper. Went to movies in evening and saw good show. Went to bed 11.30 and had good nights rest until 7AM. Had breakfast and went to office with Susan. Then had walk around town and went back to meet Susan at 12. Then stayed around house until it was time to leave for train had half hour time at station and Susan’s father came to say goodbye at last minute then found out the train was 1 hour late leaving but Susan was gone so couldn’t see her anymore.
May 31
Had pretty good night sleeping.
Jun 1
Mostly farms we are passing.
Jun 2
Stop at North Platt for 15 minutes and then proceed on way. Now over a mile above sea level. Had hail storm little while ago but its all melted away now. Train going slow as we are going up very rapidly.
Jun 3
Arrived Frisco 9.30AM and went to Herbert Bachelor Hotel. Found it to be nice place and had a good meal.
Jun 4
Went over to see Standard Oil Co. Very rotten people especially J.C. Rohlfs – mgr. “SEMINOLE” arrived on the 7th. Completed in 3 days after a new buss was built for wireless room. Went up to see Susan’s Aunt. Only had a half hour as I had to go back to the Standard Oil office. Went up Mt. Amalplis with Mr. Brehme. Very fine trip. The wood caught fire a few hours before we started up the mountain and made the trip even more interesting. The fire last 3 days after we were up and destroyed 7000 acres of shrubbery and small trees. Finished all the ships in due time. Work day and night on most of the ships. Finished “ADORNA” with only 1 helper in 23 hours actual work. Getting ready to leave for Seattle now.
Aug 19
Left for Seattle 10.20PM. Very warm next day.
Aug 20
11.20 AM arrived at Shasta Soda Springs and had three big drinks of natural soda. Fine and cool tastes even better than the regular carbonated water.
Aug 21
Arrived at Portland Oregon 8.30AM. Had breakfast in station. 10.15AM left for Seattle on Norhern Pacific Train. Passing through lots of timberland and occasionally cattle fields and lakes. Arrived Seattle 5PM. Took taxi to Hotel and got cleaned up again.
Aug 22
Went down to Electric Boat Co and saw the wireless stuff. Wave meter and trunk haven’t arrived yet.
Aug 23
Still waiting for baggage.
Aug 24
Gone half crazy. Baggage still not here.
(Last entry)