A kind reader shared his comments and photos of his restored Synchrophase MU1 Grebe Radio. He put a lot of effort into restoring the finish “with several layers of Cordovan shoe polish, which has a perfect match to the Mahoganite color. I finally built up the wax until I had a level and flat finish (took many weeks because shoe polish is very slow to dry), followed by 4 or 5 layers of Johnson Paste Wax.” It’s always interesting to get a report from the field and know that Grebe radios are out there and still appreciated.

Here are the Grebe Radio photos of my restored MU1.

Really, it is a marvel of engineering, electrically, mechanically, and artistically. I recently showed it to an old German Scientist (WWII vintage) who by the expression on his face, seemed a bit reluctant to head over to my office ‘just to see an old radio’ but followed me on over.  When he saw the Grebe he was completely silent, then he said ‘my God, this belongs in a Museum’ followed with expressions of amazement and questions about the restoration process and so forth. That says everything about enduring beauty and function.

The underside of the top lid, shown in the pictures, is the original finish and dark Mahogany color. All the cabinet exterior is refinished to an exact match of the original. Also, the Tower ‘Adventurer’ Cone Speaker in original, untouched, colors.

The Grebe family has a great heritage. I thank you and those from the past, for this wonderful Radio and keeping the history alive through the on-line information.

I discovered that the escutcheons were made by the D.L. Auld Company, Colombus Ohio. With minor name change they are still in business. It appears the design was a collaboration of Auld designing to compliment the tuner knob design.

I just might have uncovered the ‘code’ used for the serial numbers, which yields the year of manufacture and, just possibly, the work week thereof.  I had noticed much discussion about not being able to crack the code.

This last photo is “Before”, the of the front panel of the Grebe Radio before being refinished and restored.


A reader, Mike from Eagle River, Wisconsin, alerted me to this beauty he picked up at an estate sale. He went through some repairs on it which are described on this Antique Radio Forum website. Here are a few photos Mike shared with me after his visit to greberadio.com

Grebe AH-1 console radio
Grebe AH-1 console radio
Grebe AH-1 console radio

Here is the present location of A. H. Grebe’s radio factory built in 1922.

One of our readers sent us photos of their antique Grebe Radio. Does anyone know which model it is, and any other history? I have not seen one like this before. Please use the Contact page if you have information for us.

Thanks in advance!

The Grebe family announces the passing of their father, Alfred H. Grebe, Jr., who died peacefully on Sunday, December 10, 2017.

GREBE, Alfred H. Jr., 91, of Richmond, VA, passed away December 10, 2017. He was born April 3, 1926 and raised in Hollis, Queens County, Long Island, NY.  After graduating from Brooklyn Technical High School in 1944 he served in the US Navy for two years during WWII as Aviation Electronics Technician.  He then earned his Electronics Engineering degree and a Master of Science degree at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, NY. At RPI he was elected into two scholastic societies: Tau Beta Pi and Etta Kappa Nu.  Alfred started his career in 1950 with the Sperry Gyroscope Co.  He worked with an American high-tech company for several years and was sent to Germany to set up manufacturing operations in Munich and Waterlooville, England.  He moved to Richmond in 1977 to accept the position of Dir. of Manufacturing Engineering at General Medical Corp. Within two years he was promoted to Director of the firm’s ten manufacturing operations.  He retired in 1993, but because of his energetic love for manufacturing activities he accepted short-term positions in Richmond with small companies.  In 2003, at the age of 77, he helped two of his local sons break into house-building and worked alongside them in building their first house.  During his adult life he enjoyed surf fishing (especially at Nags Head, NC), piloting small airplanes, snow skiing, water skiing, camping, cross-country touring, and helping neighbors with their household projects.

He was preceded in death by his father, Alfred H. Grebe, his mother, Stephanie M. Grebe, and his two sisters, Stephanie M. Meier and Camilla A. Lockwood. He is survived by four sons, Alfred H. Grebe III and his wife, Heidi; Roy D. Grebe and his wife, May; Wayne T. Grebe and his wife, Alicia; and Richard L. Grebe and his wife, Diane.  He is also survived by five grandchildren, Alexander, Branch, Valyn, Kai, and Mariel, and many nieces and nephews.  Alfred’s remains will be interred at the GREBE family plot at Maple Grove Cemetery, Kew Gardens, Queens County, Long Island, NY.  In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to the “Alfred H. Grebe Award” fund managed by the Radio Club of America.  Proceeds from this fund are awarded by the Radio Club of America to individuals making “significant achievements of excellence in the engineering and manufacturing of radio equipment.”

To make a donation to the Alfred H. Grebe Award fund:

  1. Go to http://radioclubofamerica.org/donate-to-rca/
  2. Enter contact information and donation amount
  3. Choose Grebe under the “Fund to apply donation”
  4. Pay via credit card or choose the “sending check or money order” option

Alfred H. Grebe Leads Off WCBS News Radio’s Series, 50 People To Know: WCBS 880 Celebrates 50 Years Of Covering News In New York


We are pleased WCBS News Radio 880 in New York City is commemorating Alfred H. Grebe’s radio station WAHG, as the originator of what became WCBS.  WCBS Anchor/Reporter Alex Silverman produced the radio interview and video for the WCBS News Radio website.

The story includes an excellent capsule of A. H. Grebe’s life and times, with colorful comments from Grebe grandsons George D. Meier, yours truly, A. H. Grebe, 3rd, and Richmond Hill Historian Carl Ballenas.

The link to the A. H. Grebe story http://newyork.cbslocal.com/2016/12/30/50-people-grebe/


WCBS News Radio 880 is celebrating their 50th year as an all news radio station, and will be adding more stories commemorating their history during 2017.  Keep up with WCBS 880 Back Stories at http://newyork.cbslocal.com/category/wcbs-880-anniversary/


Hear about Alfred H. Grebe, the founding father of what became WCBS Radio.

WCBS Radio 880’s Wayne Cabot interviewed Alfred H. Grebe Jr. in 2004.

The occasion was the Richmond Hill Historical Society plaque placed on the former Grebe Radio factory.  See the story at https://www.greberadio.com/1922-grebe-radio-factory/

The audio file comes to us courtesy of Alex Silverman, WCBS Newsradio 880 Anchor/Report.  Alex recently got in touch with me (Alfred H. Grebe, 3rd) and George D. Meier, also a grandson of Alfred H. Grebe.  We chatted with Alex via Skype about the Alfred Grebe’s radio legacy.  Alex will be editing the conversation for a possible news story commemorating WCBS Radio 880’s 50th anniversary as an all news station.


Alfred H.Grebe as listed on Wikipedia, the online free encyclopedia.

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